Tax time is almost upon us. For many, that can be a stressful and dreaded time. First off, you have to do them—otherwise, you risk going to jail. Another concern is getting them done correctly. So, do you have a qualified and meticulous accountant? Or do you do it yourself? If you do do it yourself, do you use the best financial planning software you can find or do you rely on your wits? Have you saved all of the receipts you need in order to prove you deserve money back on something? Will you be getting a rebate from the I.R.S. or will you be giving them an I.O.U.?


best financial planning software


For me, using the best money management software I can find is integral to my survival and success. You see, I’m self-employed—and I travel a lot for work. I have to keep track of everything I expense and add it all up come tax season. It’s a big deal. I don’t want to have to pay the government a penny more than I already have to. They take enough as it is. That’s why I always invest in the best financial planning software I can find each and every year.


best financial planning software


Where You Can Find the Best Financial Planning Software

There are so many sites on the net that review software—but you can never be sure how current their reviews are. You also can never tell if the reviews are honest. The company could be getting a kickback from the seller for a positive review of Intuit Quickbooks or other softwares.

Top 5 Power Guide looks at all types of software—antivirus, data recovery, overall utility, and more, offering meticulously researched reviews that speak to the layman and not the I.T. professional. Assessments are done by software professionals and technicians who put each product to the test, pointing out what is best about each product and what needs improvement.


best financial planning software


So, if you’re planning on doing your own budgeting, whether to save money throughout the year or get it back from the taxman, do your research and pick the best budgeting software for your personal and business needs. For information on setting up a personal budget, see our related post: 3 Money Management Tips For Better Handling Your Finances