The concept of cell phone spy software may sound sneaky, but it doesn’t have to receive such a negative connotation. Android and iPhone spy products are becoming increasingly more popular as parents, employers, and spouses are learning more about its various benefits.


Smartphone spy apps like Highster Mobile and DDI Utilities are dominating the market due to their success in helping families keep tabs on loved ones as well as helping business owners monitor employee’s company-provided phones.


Here are 3 benefits of installing cell phone spy software on a smartphone:


1. 24/7 access to view all activity on the target phone, including calls, texts, social media behavior, and more.

All you need to do is purchase the software, activate the license key, install it onto a phone (yes, it IS possible to spy on a phone without jailbreaking it), then log in to your dashboard. From that point on, you’ll have access to a regularly updated user dashboard which shows what the person is doing on that phone at all times. You will be able to see all call and text logs, Facebook and Twitter activity, camera roll photos and videos, emails, browser history, even deleted Snapchat data, and more.


Want to find out who your child is texting? Want to know what type of behavior he or she is engaging in while out of the house? Interested in seeing what type of sites they visit?


What about your employees? Thinking they might be goofing off while out of the office and running up a bill on your company-provided phone?


You can easily solve any these issues and more by monitoring their behavior with a phone spy product.


Surepoint Spy Review | Cell Phone Spy Software | Top 5 Power Guide


2. Track the target phone’s location via GPS locator.

Wondering how to track a phone’s location without Find My iPhone or any of those “Where is my phone?” apps? After installing the mobile monitoring app, you can delete it immediately after and still gain access to all of the phone’s extracted data, including its tracked GPS location. This is great for parents in need of a child’s location when they aren’t picking up the phone, and just as useful for managers to see where their staff goes when working off-site to make sure they’re where they should be while on company time.


Some smartphone spies even allow you to take a picture from the target phone’s camera through a feature in the dashboard so you can see the surroundings of where the phone you’re monitoring is located in case of emergency or if it is lost.


Related: Highster Mobile Review

Related: DDI Utilities Spy Review

Related: Auto Forward Review


3. Rest assured and gain peace of mind.

The most important benefit of all is the peace of mind you gain from knowing that your loved ones or your employees are safe and doing as they should. It is possible to relax and feel comfort just by installing a software to a phone. Download a cell phone monitoring app today and stop worrying about what’s going on out of your sight once and for all!


If you’re interested in learning more ways to keep your family safe using a cell phone spy product or other similar programs, read our related post: Protect Your Loved Ones With These 3 Smartphone Apps