In these tough financial times, many opt to forego the superficial pleasures of life to save money. This doesn’t have to be the case. Don’t let the fun things like decorating your home become distant dreams simply because of low funds. You can accomplish your decorating goals and still have enough money left over for dinner.


Here are 6 tips for decorating your home on a budget:


1. Keep track of your expenses

6 Tips For Decorating Your Home On A Budget

The first and most important step is making sure that you aren’t straying from your budget with this project. Staying on top of your spending will help you stay on track financially — and also enable you to brag about how much money you saved at the end of it all!

If you need help organizing this information and sticking to it, consider using a financial planning software to do the grunt work for you. Be sure to check out some financial planning software reviews before committing to find the one that’s best for your needs.


2. DIY

6 Tips For Decorating Your Home On A Budget

Paying someone to do the work for you is one of the most destructive forces to your bank account within the entire decorating process. Whether it comes to painting, carpeting, installing, or assembling, DIY (Do It Yourself) methods will save you a lot of money in the long run. You can find decorating tutorials online for creating household items like clocks, tables, or shelving and for fun painting ideas as well.


3. Find pre-owned gems

6 Tips For Decorating Your Home On A Budget

If you’re using Shoeboxed Classic to organize your receipts and you’re finding that a lot of these big box store purchases you’re making are eating away at your budget, look elsewhere for your supplies. You can browse thrift stores and estate sales for great deals on pre-owned (and in some cases, never even used!) furniture and decorations. Vintage is always trendy.


4. Repurpose

6 Tips For Decorating Your Home On A Budget

That old wooden ladder you were planning on throwing away? Don’t! You can repurpose things you already have into brand new items that will spruce up any room. That old ladder can become a leaning bookshelf. Or you can cut it down and hang it up for use as wall shelving. Cut off just one step, paint it, and add a custom phrase for a cute decorative touch if that’s where your tastes lie. The opportunities here are endless.


5. Rotate

You can also use items you already own in new ways by rotating them among the different rooms of your home. Throw pillows in the bedroom that have been there forever won’t look as boring in a new environment. Put them in the living room instead. Even small changes like moving the family photos around can make you see the room in a new light for absolutely zero dollars spent.


7. Wallpaper for everything but walls

6 Tips For Decorating Your Home On A Budget

Almost any flat surface can be wallpapered. Incorporate some new patterns to your home by wallpapering dressers, table tops, stairs, and even bar stools! Wallpaper is one of the cheapest ways to decorate and you can find some awesome patterns at discounted prices if you shop around a bit and buy in bulk.


Decorating is one of the best parts of life. It’s fun and allows you to express yourself through the appearance of your home. For many, it’s even a great stress reliever. Don’t repress the urge just because of money troubles. Follow these tips and your home will be decorated, you’ll be happy, and your bank account will thank you.

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6 Tips For Decorating Your Home On A Budget