What Does Do? is an online credit reporting and financial planning service that tracks your credit score and offers personalized savings advice. Users may obtain their credit scores every month to determine what areas need to be improved. For example, by reviewing information provided by CreditSesame, users have a better overall understanding of which bills should be paid first and how to set up a budget and stick with it.


Our Findings

Forget requesting your data from a credit bureau! Every month, CreditSesame will automatically update your credit score garnered from the TransUnion credit bureau. Some users may worry that if CreditSesame pulls their credit data on a monthly basis, it will negatively affect their score, but that’s not the case. CreditSesame grabs the credit score in what is considered a “soft inquiry,” meaning that the score is not shared with lenders. Thus, it doesn’t make the score go down.


Why does CreditSesame provide free credit monitoring to individuals? The company says that credit checks are critical to everyone’s financial well-being and enables people to better understand their spending habits and debt. CreditSesame analyzes credit history and debt information to provide details on how much a user could save on credit cards, a loan, or a mortgage. Once a user has his or her credit score, he or she can make more informed decisions on spending.


Security is so important especially in terms of using various online sites. Sure, you’re getting the credit information you need by using CreditSesame, but should you be concerned about your data — your financial data — being safe? The answer is no. CreditSesame is as concerned about the protection of your data as you are which is why the company employs bank-level security features, encryption, and firewalls.

Key Features

  • Financial overview: Perhaps the most valid reason for using this service is that you’ll have the opportunity to see in plain details your credit score from month to month. This information will enable you to regularly review your debt and find ways to pay it down. It’s always in your best interest to keep close tabs on your credit score as this information could spell the difference between qualifying for a mortgage, a car loan, or some other large purchase — or not. 
  • Free service: Yes, you read that correctly. CreditSesame is truly a free service. As in no charge, costs you nothing, and never asks for a credit card. So, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t use the service — especially when most credit monitoring services start out for free but then end up charging fees after the trial period is over.
  • Valuable information: So, you’ve signed up for CreditSesame, taking advantage of its no-charge service. Now what? Well, the company’s website is an amazing resource for people who have concerns about their financial health. The site has an array of blog posts and information that will answer all of your questions and help you to better understand why good credit is so important.
  • Free ID theft protection: Identity theft is quickly becoming a major source of cybercrime. Once a user signs up for free credit monitoring, CreditSesame provides the customer with $50,000 in identity theft insurance at no charge. If you’re ever a victim of ID theft, you’ve got backing from CreditSesame to help restore your identity.


Needs Improvement

While CreditSesame does offer extensive credit information to customers, it doesn’t give access to full credit reports.


User Skill/Experience Required

All you need to do is go to CreditSesame’s website and sign up for the service, and they’ll automatically pull your credit score and give you related information for free on a monthly basis.


Pricing & Where to Sign Up For is a 100% FREE service that promises that you’ll never have to use a credit card or sign up for a trial or commitment. To start monitoring your credit score at no charge today, visit the official CreditSesame website here.



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